“Don’t let any flies in the bowl.” I have continued to mediate on this instruction from the Lord. In this post, I would like to unpack a few more thoughts on the subject. (If you missed the last post on it, you can read it here. ) Flies can represent things that are dirty and/or demonic — anything from little sins to big strongholds. In fact, it’s often the little sins that create the big strongholds… which is why we have to keep our guard up and not let any flies in the bowl. We are to be different or set apart from the world. The biblical model of this is first illustrated through the Israelites, God’s chosen people. In the book of Exodus, the Israelites have been living as slaves to the Egyptians for over 400 years. God instructs Moses to confront Pharaoh and deliver this message: “Let My people go!” Pharaoh, of course, doesn’t go for the idea and refuses to let the Israelites leave. Then God sends a series of ten plagues on Egypt. First is the Plague of Blood Second...