In the last post, I described a vision God showed me of the LA Basin being filled with His liquid glory. As my heart was overwhelmed with this beautiful imagery, my spirit heard the Father’s admonishment: “Don’t let any flies in the bowl.” As recorded in Matthew 12:24, the Pharisees (who represent a spirit of religion) accuse Jesus of getting His power from Beelzebul. Some translations describe this Beelzebul as “Satan, the prince of demons.” The name “Beelzebul,” however, literally means “lord of flies” or “fly-god.” It comes from the Hebrew for Baal, which is the false god—and idol—that plagued the Israelites for centuries throughout the Old Testament. Let’s have a look… THE IDOL The first mention of God’s people being yoked to Baal is found in Numbers 25. Moses has lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and now they are en route to the Promise Land. They should have been there by now except that their disobedience has sent them on a 40-year detour. During this time of w...