Recently as I was in prayer, the Lord showed me a faceless figure wearing a high priest’s attire, but it wasn’t the High Priest. I immediately knew it was a representation of the demonic pharisee (religious) spirit. This figure was holding a conductor’s baton and was using it to orchestrate or direct the plans of the enemy — plans of chaos and confusion that bring division and disunity, among other things. It was almost as if I could see sabotage shooting out from the baton. It caused some to be spiritually blind. Others to be spiritually deaf. And others to turn on each other because they were surrounded by a swirl of lies. But the baton was thin, weak, and fragile. I began to take authority over the pharisee spirit. I broke it’s power, releasing the Lord’s mercy and declaring His blood speaks a better word. As I did, the baton snapped. So easily and so quickly! No longer could the enemy conduct his plans. No longer could he sabotage the people of God by orchestra...