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Showing posts from June, 2023

Radical Remnant

“There’s a radical remnant rising up!”  When I first heard Holy Spirit say this, I asked Him what He meant by “radical.” To be honest, that word often carries a negative connotation in my mind. (But what we think and what God thinks can be two very different things! If God is speaking, we cannot allow our own biases to stand in the way of what He is trying to say!) I felt like God said to look up “radical,” so I did… and what I found was powerful: RADICAL is defined as: “of or going to the root or origin; fundamental.” It comes from a Latin word meaning HAVING ROOTS.  I feel God is saying: To be radical is to be rooted.  The Prophet Isaiah writes, "Once more a REMNANT of the kingdom of Judah will take ROOT below and bear fruit above. For out of Jerusalem will come a remnant, and out of Mount Zion a band of survivors. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this" (Isaiah 37:31-32, NIV). The remnant who is rooted will bear the fruits of revival! Church, revi...

The Blindfold Of The Pharisees

We become what we behold. If we want to be like Jesus, we must be able to behold Him — to see Him and see Him rightly with our spiritual eyes. That is why it seems as if the enemy works overtime to keep people spiritually blind. In previous posts , we unpacked the role of idols in spiritual blindness. Now I would like to dig a little deeper into another one of the enemy’s favorite blindfolds: a spirt of religion.  Without going into great detail… religion is rules void of relationship. It’s a whole lot of “doing” and not a lot of “being.” It emphasizes outward appearance over the inward condition. Oh, and it can’t stand the works of Holy Spirit and the transformation He brings. It wants to keep people blind and bound and powerless. In the Bible, a spirit of religion is clearly manifested in the Pharisees.  When Jesus was living as a man on the earth, He often encountered the Pharisees who were the religious leaders of that day. On the outside, it looked like the Pharisees ...

My Delight

Look around right now. Wherever you're at, scan your environment . What do you see ?  I would imagine that you are surrounded by created objects. If you’re at home, you might see a couch or a desk. Maybe a bed or yesterday’s unfolded laundry. (Oops, too real?) If you’re on the go, you might see a car or a fence or a building. Maybe a sidewalk or a playground or your lunch. Regardless of the item, they all have something in common: they were created. A creator — an architect, a designer, an engineer, a chef — someone took delight in creating everything you see for a specific use in a specific environment.  A leather couch is best used indoors, while a cement sidewalk is found outside. Submerging a blow dryer in water can have deadly consequences whereas there is no use for a submarine on dry land. If you take the created item out of the environment it was designed for, it won’t function optimally nor will it fulfill it’s intended purpose. Humans are created beings… handmade...